Friday, April 6, 2012

Check Out!!

If you are offering your website visitors a product or service, and you don't have a shopping cart checkout, then you really should check out this awesome 3D Cart WordPress plugin!  (oh that is assuming you are using a WordPress platform for your website!  Just one more reason why a WordPress blog is a great way to build a really functional website, that is easy to maintain, and easy to navigate!!
Here's the link for the info on the 3D Cart! Wordpress Plugin-3D Cart

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Something to "MOO" About!

I have to say that there is ALWAYS something new and creative out on the internet!  Every day it seems I am finding more and more sites for design and creativity.  I have been blessed to have an awesome mentor (T.Marie Hilton - owner of Clerical Advantage and GirlyGirlGeek and head of VA Survival Guide).  She has been instrumental in helping me build my new website, S.O.S.-VirtualAssist.  It's been a slow process, mostly because I have not a CLUE of what I was doing.  But with her continued help, patience, and guidance, I believe I am getting this down!

The reason for my post today is that I took a break from building my site to stop by one of my social sites, FaceBook, and happened to see a photo post by T.Marie.  They were these totally awesome "mini-cards" that she will be using in marketing her many business sites.  They were so cool!  I immediately asked her where she had gotten these great marketing pieces, and she directed me toward another GREAT website "MOO".  You've got to check this out!  This site has a TON of great marketing ideas, and the prices are very reasonable!

So, if you are struggling with yet another way to be creative in your marketing ideas; stop by MOO and see what they've got to offer!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Websites Can Be Puzzling

Over the past few days, I've been feverishly working on my new website, that goes along with the NEW name for my business - SOS-VirtualAssist - I am really enjoying the workings of putting together a web page.  I didn't realize just how much fun it could be.  That being said, it is NOT an easy thing to do.  It's sort of like putting together a puzzle.  I've always loved puzzles.  I remember when I was little, that my grandmother ALWAYS had a puzzle on her card table in her dining room.  Whenever my sister and I would come over to visit, I'd have to spend some time with her trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.  It was always so much fun and when it was completed, I loved seeing the finished product!

I am finding that building a great web page is pretty much like putting together one of those puzzles my grandmother used to have!! But, you must be patient, and not try and just throw together anything.  Much like the pieces of a puzzle, it takes time and care to study the pieces to make sure they fit just perfect!  Building a website is sort of like that as well.  You can't be expected to just throw together an AWESOME web page in a few minutes!! No way!! There is a bit of a learning curve, and if you aren't tech savvy or a computer geek of sorts, its going to take a bit longer to get the hang of it.  Although, once you do, if you don't get discouraged, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well it works!  If you click on the link above, it will take you to my "test" site that I've been working on over the past several days.  Now mind you, it IS a WORK IN PROGRESS!!!  I am taking my time and tweaking the site and the layout and the design. Every day I am finding more and more out about the workings behind the actual web page that viewers see!  It can be frustrating; but I am DETERMINED to learn the inner workings of how to build a successful web page, so others can view the "finished product" that resembles those wonderful puzzles from my childhood! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Using your Smartphone as your Credit Card?

So, there is just one more thing your smartphone can do now!!!  Act as money!?!?!  With this handy little gadget; you can turn your iPhone or Android phone into a credit card swiper?

Ehhhh, I'm not sure I'm ready to make that leap yet!!
What do you think?
Good or bad idea?  IntuitGoPayment iPhone Card Reader and App - click on the link for the article!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Follow Your Passion

Life is short!  Ever heard anyone say that?  Sure you have.  I wish that I had followed my "passion" when I was younger.  I would have been a storm chaser!  I've always been fascinated with storms, and lightning and thunder; but over the past few years, I've really gotten into taking photos of storm clouds.  Whenever there is a "storm warning" posted on television; I'm running for the front door with my cell phone in hand ready to snap up any cool cloud formation photos!  It's really quite exhilarating!
My daughter seems to have inherited my passion for weather as well!  I love these photos she takes!  She is an awesome photographer anyway; but her weather photos are so cool!  She has actually taken her passion for photography into a different direction.  She wants to be a crime scene photographer!  How cool is that.!?!

Anyway, just a thought..... if you are passionate about something, ACT on it!!  Life is short, life it to the fullest, take what you love and build on it!  Make it a career!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's In a Name?

What 's In a Name?  Possibly everything! I've had my own business now for a little over a year, and this seems like the right time for a name change. I've networked with many small business professionals, as well as other VA professionals over the past year and discovered that I want to expand my business to reach a broader range of clients.  In order to do that, I felt that a name change would be appropriate to let people know that I'm truly serious about this business! I want business owners to know that I am expanding my areas of skills and expertise to include website and web maintenance and building that go along with the clerical, marketing, customer service, desktop publishing and social media skills.  I realize that the internet is by far the way most clients reach their customer target market, and a good website presence is crucial to accomplish this.  After careful consideration I want to promote my business to those clients who feel like when they are drowning in paperwork; I'm here to offer them the lifeline they need!  SOS-Virtual Assist is that service!!  Same person, expanded skills, same excellent quality of work and customer service!  Wish Me Luck!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finding More Clients

I was searching online this evening for articles pertaining to how Virtual Assistants go about finding more clients.  I've just recently been looking for more creative ways to build my client base.  I did the traditional marketing by direct mail, email campaigns, by social networking, and the face-to-face meetings.  I still feel as though I need to do more.  As I was browsing through the articles, I came across one that really caught my eye.  I should say that I actually looked for this author's post, since she had mentioned this way of finding new clients in an earlier email to me.

She explained that just "telling" clients what we offer, is really not enough. In addition to telling our clients what services we offer, we need to give actual examples of "HOW" we can ease the client's burden of administrative tasks.  Since we are "virtual" and most times don't even meet face-to-face; its important that we show "value" and benefit to the client.

How many of you remember "SHOW AND TELL" when you were in grade school?  I always looked forward to Friday's because those were "SHOW AND TELL" days!  It was such much fun picking a special "toy" or item that you could take to school, and then you were to present it in front of the class explaining not only "WHAT" your favorite item was, but why it was your favorite and that usually entailed explaining and/or showing how the item worked.

Having a virtual business is somewhat like that as well.  Instead of just saying "I can help with your office tasks that are bogging you down"; it might be more beneficial to say "would you like to send out weekly emails to your A+clients but don't have the time, or have no clue how to put one together?"  

The article is entitled, "Why a Virtual Professional Must Approach Marketing Differently" - by T.Marie Hilton.
She has several great articles as well as offering workshops and webinars on building your Virtual Assistant Business!  Her Virtual Assistant Survival School website is full of great info!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You A Wordpress Wizard

If you are one of the many millions of "bloggers" on the web today, I'm sure you've come across the Wordpress platform for blogging.  And, if you did some digging you quickly realized that not only could you create a "blog" BUT you could actually take that blog and turn it into a very functional WEBSITE!!!

A little over a year ago, I started my own business as a Virtual Office Assistant.  The first thing that other self-employed business owners will recommend is that you have a "web presence".  So, I did a bit more research and came across the Wordpress site.  There are two versions of Wordpress.  The "FREE" version, or and for those who wish to expand their web presence by having another provider "host" your site, or get it out there on the cyberspace superhighway!!  That latter, also allows the user to have more flexibility and options in turning your blog page into a full fledged website.  I decided to start with the Wordpress free site to see how difficult it would be to put a site together.  I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was to put together a simple blog site.  Wordpress offers tons of pre-made templates that you can use, and it will allow for minimal customization.  Well, being the perfectionist that I am, I quickly became dissatisfied with the free site, and wanted to do more.  I decided to delve into the more advanced site, and from there things exploded!  I was amazed at all the options available and ways you could turn your blog into an actual, functioning, SEO website!!  Well, as quickly as I became dissatisfied with the free version of Wordpress, I became equally DISCOURAGED and FRUSTRATED with the more advanced, more technical version.  I really did not have the tools (by way of training) to make a really great website.  So, I called upon another VA I had met while networking through social media.  She is truly a WORDPRESS WIZARD!!!  ANYONE who is thinking of designing their own website NEEDS to look her up.  She has the knowledge, tools, and training available you will need to help get your website up and running, hosted, and customized for your own personal business needs. 

Her name, T.Marie Hilton, owner and guru of Clerical Advantage and Girly Girl Geek.  She has been my lifesaver a number of times.  There are so many things I want to learn from her and can't wait for her next "bootcamp" so that I can tap into more of her great resources.   I am hoping that I can one day also be a "WORDPRESS WIZARD"!!  But for now I will be content to be the apprentice!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Cool Stuff for your iPhone/iPad!

So, now that I've gotten the iPhone and iPad and armed myself with all the latest apps, games and music, what could be left?  Well plenty!!  Now let's say you want to be able to take a note or two on your tech device.  Well, you can't very well use a standard writing utensil like a pen or pencil, and if you want to "doodle" you certainly can't do that with a keypad.  What you need is a "stylus"!  A really cool pen-like instrument that has a "cushy" bottom end that you can use to write on your iPhone or iPad!  Pretty neat!!!

But along with getting a stylus, you will need to have a safety screen covering your device to help reduce the smudges and fingerprints that come with continued use!

I found that there is a removable screen protector that works with these tech devices.  It's a bit "pricey" but the durability makes the cost feasible!
These come in black and white and are called iVisor.  These screen protector/covers are removable, and re-usable, unlike the sticky ones that adhere to the devices, and can sometimes bubble up and pull up at the corners!  Be sure to check out these cool products!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Debut of the Latest iPad

Photo courtesy of Mashable Tech
If you are a tech "geek" like me, I'm sure you were anxiously awaiting the news about the latest Apple iPad release that was presented earlier today at the Apple headquarters!

Over the past week, I have been reading various posts and blogs about speculation on what would be included in the newest Apple product!  However, when the news broke today, I must say I was a bit disappointed.

It was speculated that they were going to introduce the latest Apple product as the "iPad3" or the "iPadHD"; instead it was just the "New iPad", or iPad New, as the following article names it!! One of the many blog sites I follow, Mashable, posted this article - Why The New iPad Did Not blow My Mind..... I think they summed it up nicely!

So the good news is, that I won't have to feel the "urge" to rush right out and get the latest and greatest Apple gadget.  Only downside (for me at least) is that I own the iPhone 4 and the iPad2; neither of which have the popular "Siri".  But, really, I'm not sure I'd utilize Siri the way it was marketed.  So, for me anyway, I'll wait until the next generation iPhone (iPhone 5?) to come out and see what else Apple can amaze us with!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Have you tried Pinterest?


 Today's latest craze - Pinterest!  Ever heard of this site?  Well apparently many people have, as it is sweeping the internet with a frenzy!!  I actually just picked up this article on how people are using this newest social media tool!! - Social network Pinterest draws interest online | The Republic.

Well, whatever the reason, it's obvious that this is the latest and greatest social media app going!  I guess the only catch here is that you have to be "invited" in order to start "pinning" your photos, and other items of interest that you can then share on Facebook and Twitter!!

I have requested an invite to this site; but have yet to get accepted.  :(  I'm guessing there is a LONG waiting list!!  I'll keep you posted!  And hopefully, soon, you will see my pins of interest on my blog!!

Happy pinning out there to you lucky ones who've already caught the craze!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Turn your iPad into a PC!!

Wow, my love of technology just grows DAILY!!  The latest little nifty "tech gadget" that I've stumbled upon is called ONLIVE DESKTOP!  WOW, what can I say, this is the most awesome app I've seen for my iPad so far!!!

This totally cool app allows you to turn your iPad into a computer; by being able to open and revise MS Office apps; like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint!!

If you go to the App Store; you can download this for FREE!  There is a paid version that allows you to also watch "FLASH" video on your iPad! 

There is a great article from the NY Times that tells more about this really cool little app!  "OnLive Desktop Plus Puts Windows 7 on your iPad", by David Pogue.  Check it out!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Putting My Skills To Work

Not sure if anyone knew (or actually is interested) that besides my Love of Technology; I'm also engaged in my own business utilizing all these many gadgets and talents!  I started my own business a little over a year ago.  I have been "self-employed" in the direct sales industry for several years.  Prior to that I spent about 20 years in the clerical administrative support field, in various job positions ranging from insurance, to transportation, to corporate law, to finance, to public transportation, as well as several years in the retail industry.  With all this knowledge, skill and training, I decided to put my "pre-retirement" years to good use.  What better way than to jump on the entrepreneurial band wagon!!  I had searched the internet for other types of "home based" businesses and came upon a "virtual assistant forum" site.  I spent literally hours on this site looking at the message boards and suddenly it came to me, that with all the administrative, marketing and customer service skills and training I had acquired, why not start my own Virtual Assistant business!!

Introducing - My Virtual Office!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apple's Latest Creation!

Well, it was just posted on CNET that the latest iPad event is about to unveil on the 7th of March.  Do you have a tablet or iPad?  Are you anticipating this newest "tech gadget"!!  I guess I really shouldn't classify this as a "gadget" especially when it can do so many things!!

I will be watching the internet skies for the latest upgrades and for the newest bells and whistles this latest product from Apple.  What will be the biggest feature of this newest iPad?  I'm not sure, but you can bet I will make note of it once we see it for ourselves!!

I'll keep you posted!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Yes, at the risk of repeating myself - here is my REVISED VA marketing postcard.
What do you think?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Postcard Marketing

I put together this marketing postcard for mailing out tomorrow to local small business professionals.  If you are looking for some marketing help, maybe I could design something for you!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different....

I spend a fair amount of time online (duh.....) I spend an INSANE amount of time online.  That being said, I wanted to share with you that I am also a Virtual Assistant.  What is a VA you ask?  A Virtual Assistant is a person who works from their home and offers office help to business professionals, who are looking for assistance; but don't have the budget or funds to hire an "in-house" employee!  This saves the employer a TON of money!!!

I found this really cool infographic from another VA's blog site, courtesy of that pretty much sums up how starting your own home based business could be a smart business decision for you!

Besides being a Virtual Assistant; I am also a licensed real estate broker working in residential real estate.  If you follow the news at all, I am sure you are saying to yourself that a "Realtor" is not really making that much money right now.  Times have hit this career profession as hard as some of the other industries across the US.

Since my real estate career was slowly draining me; both mentally and financially; I decided that I needed a supplement income that would keep me busy, keep my skills sharp, and still allow me the flexibility of having my own business!  Meet - My Virtual Office!  Besides writing this blog and trying to be diligent about posting something daily, I do have a business website that highlights my skills, experience, and areas of expertise!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Spending the Day w/Gma

Today's a holiday for school kids; so my grandson is just "hanging" with Gma today!!  Not sure what we have in store; but whatever, I'm sure it will be fun!

 Happy President's Day everyone!!!  Enjoy the day off (if you are lucky enough to have the day off!)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Always something newer!

Seems to be motto that I have been living by lately!  My daughter (who just moved back home this weekend) went and got the newest iPhone 4S today.  In her quest for independence and maturity; she is slowly breaking away from the confines of the parental umbrella of security and moving into a new venture, becoming financially independent as well!  She now has her own phone and own phone bill!!  Of course when I went with her today we looked at all the latest and greatest cell phone gadgetry.  She chose the iPhone 4S (WHITE) and its a beauty!!  Of course we had to try Siri out as soon as we got into the car!!!
And if you haven't guessed it yet, NOW I want one too!!!!
"SIGH"..... it never ends.....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Too Much Technology?!?!?!

How many of you are engrossed daily with the following; facebook posts, tweets, check-ins at foursquare, pinning on Pinterest, all while checking emails, playing Words with Friends or Farmville?  WHEW!!  Makes me tired just typing all the stuff we are now so involved in daily!!  How many of you reach for your smartphone before the alarm clock when getting up in the morning, or better yet, how many of you USE your smartphone as an alarm clock!?  "HAND RAISED"!!!!

Sometimes I wonder what we did before we had the internet?  How or what did we do every morning while having our breakfast?  Did we watch television, or better yet actually have a conversation with someone?

When was the last time you sat down at the dinner table (kitchen or dining) and had a meal where you all ate together, and actually talked about your day? 

I love technology just as much (or probably more) than the next guy; but there are days when I feel like I've lost touch with reality.  Maybe it's time to "check out" of all that is techy and just sit back and read a book, take a walk, or just go visit with a family member or friend, and connect again!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

iPhone vs iPad

If you are a "lover" of technology and all that is techy stuff; then you probably have not only an iPhone (or android) but an iPad (or tablet) as well.  I must say, even though I probably do not need BOTH; needless to say, I have BOTH!!

If you have several tech gadgets; do you find that you favor one over the others?  Meaning, is it easier for you to do things on your tablet or iPad over the smaller screen of the smartphone?  While the initial curiosity to download as many apps as I could on my iPhone; many of them are much more functional on the larger screen of the tablet or iPad.  I know that when I first got my phone I tried downloading movies and books; and while it was great at the time, once I got my iPad and downloaded the same movies and books, it was a much better experience, and not to mention, a lot less stress on the eyes!!

That being said, I love my iPhone for the convenience and size that it can fit in my pocket; but I still find that I use the iPad now more for logging onto Facebook and catching up on TV episodes that I've missed as well as downloading a good book!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tons of Home Decor Ideas!

Houzz Home Design, Decorating and Remodeling Ideas

If you've happened upon my blog and noticed the sidebars; you will see that I regularly post "ideabook" links from this totally awesome website called "Houzz".  This site has a TON of ideas, photos, tips, suggestions and decorating photos of the most beautiful homes I've seen!!  They also have an "app for that"!!  If you click on the link, you can get an app for your iPhone and iPad.  They also have a bookmarklet that I've included here as well.  Enjoy some time on this site, as you will be AMAZED as I have been at all the gorgeous ideas that are available to make your living space your own!!! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Return of Winter?

Winter made a brief re-appearance this morning outside my window!  This is the type of snow that is perfect!  Just enough to cover everything in a coat of white, EXCEPT the roads!!  This is the type of snow that we needed in December!  This is Christmas snow.  I love this type of snow.  It makes everything look so festive and does indeed put people in the holiday spirit.  In February, however, it does NOT :(

I think they are forecasting a bit more of this later this week and perhaps even into next week.  I guess the only good thing about snow like this is that we can see Spring off in the not too distant future!  Thank you for stopping by this morning Mr. Snow; but please feel free to move on as I'm looking forward to Ms. Spring any day now!!! ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

What a Foggy Monday

It was a foggy start to this day after SuperBowl mania here in central Indiana!!  We had a blanket of dense fog over our area that reduced visibility down to less than a quarter mile in some places!! YIKES!  It was a fun morning, because we had a two hour delay for schools so my grandson got to stay over a bit longer this morning and play some Wii with grandpa!!  Can't tell you how much fun it is to spend time with grandkids!!!

So, off I went to work out after dropping him at the bus stop for school; and it was still very foggy.  Forecasters were predicting the fog would lift by noon; but by 1pm it was still a dreary mess!!  See for yourself!!

Did I mention I am SO READY for spring!!! : )
Happy Monday!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

In honor of all the chaos that is going on around here, we will officially kick off our Sunday with all day coverage of Super Bowl XLVI!!!

Happy Football everyone!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Games on your Techy Devices

So, I'm sure we all have a "techy" device of some sort, whether it be a smartphone, computer, tablet or iPad; so my question is, what games do you play frequently on your devices?  I would have to say that the most favorite game "app" that I'm playing now is Words with Friends!  It's one of the many games you can play while chatting with friends on Facebook; and its a great way to challenge friends and family in an online scrabble-type game!  I've really enjoyed this one the most.  It allows you to actually use your brain, and not merely spend hours on farming or fishing, or dining, or poker; not that there's anything wrong with that!! :)

My grandson, however, who is 7; has been captivated by several of these addicting games!  He loves Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, and his most recent favorite, Jelly Car!  He has even gotten his grandpa playing these games along side him as well!

It appears that this fascination with our smartphones has taken us away from what the phone is actually used for, because nowadays its seems that most all smartphones are just tiny gaming devices, and computers!!  Ahhhh, you've got to love Technology!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

SuperBowl 2012 - Social Media Mania!!!

Well, I live in Indiana, and I am sorry to say, this weekend, I live in Indiana!?  WHY you say?  Well for those few of you who don't know, the NFL SuperBowl Championship game is being played in Indianapolis this Sunday.  OMG!  I cannot tell you how much hoopla has been going on around here for the past week or so.  Now I'm a football fan, but I will be so happy when this weekend is OVER!!! 

And in keeping with my "love of technology" theme; it appears that this year's Super Bowl is going Social Media!!!  This year it seems they've stepped up the social media coverage of all that's SuperBowl 2012!!  Check out this link Indianapolis SuperBowl 2012 Highlights.  It has all the up to the minute goings on of what is happening, who's where, and the official "countdown" to the big game!!!  And it would not be complete without smartphone apps to use to follow all the action from your favorite mobile device!!  Here's a link to the Top 5 Free Apps for following Super Bowl 2012

Now you will have no excuse to miss ANY of the action on Sunday!!  So are you "Ready for some Football!!"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two for One!

I had another thought for the day; so today I'm posting TWICE!!

I had a meeting this morning with a group of great ladies.  Did I also mention that I am an AVON representative.  How many of you have heard of Avon?  I'm sure just about EVERYONE has heard of and/or used AVON products at one time in your life!  Great value, great products, and also a really great company.  Oh did I also mention a GREAT income opportunity?  Well it is!!

In my varied degrees of experience and skills in customer service and sales, I've decided that I should funnel my strengths in helping other women obtain financial freedom, or at the very least, show you how you can earn some extra cash, and who couldn't use more money than month if you know what I mean!

Avon products have been in my family for many, many years.  I can remember my mom selling Avon products over 40 years ago.  I loved helping her unpack the boxes that arrived every 2 weeks, along with helping her put together the orders for delivery.  She really enjoyed it, and was an Avon Representative for many years.  My aunt who is well into her 80's is STILL an Avon Representative and seems to be quite successful at it!

If you love good quality products, love to save money, AND would enjoy making some extra money or making a LOT of money, its a possibility with Avon!  With the present economy and with so many people out of jobs, lots of people have turned to starting their own businesses.  Why not start out with a proven leader in the cosmetics and skincare industry!!

It's a New Day!

Today is February 1st!  Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!  I'm not exactly sure who came up with this; but it's been said that on the first day of every month you should tell your family and friends, Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.  I was told its just a way to offer good luck and prosperity for the month!  So Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!!

I found this definition in Wikipedia for Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit that pretty much says just that, you should say this first thing on the FIRST day of each month!!

When asked if it really did bring good luck for the month, I had to reply that I hadn't really been able to document any actual good fortune for the month; but I'm sure it didn't hurt!  So why not start the tradition with your family and friends, you never know!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More about Deals!

Well, right on the heels of my post yesterday about "extreme couponing", comes another way to SAVE money!!  We all want that, right?  Well, as I was working out this morning at my local CURVES; the ladies were chatting about this thing called "Deal Chicken".  Have you ever heard of this?  I must admit that every Sunday while browsing the funny papers, there was this full page ad for "Deal Chicken" with this bright yellow chick on the back cover of the funnies.  I will admit, I never gave it a second thought; until today!  The ladies were talking about these fantastic deals they were getting from massages to flowers to dog grooming.  Well I'm all for a good deal; so I went online and actually there are several "DealChicken" sites for several states.  It appears to be locally oriented, meaning that you will need to sign up if there is a DealChicken in your area.  Again, you will need to give them your email address, so be informed that they will be sending you emails with different offers that are available at the present time in your area. 

So, I will again check this site out, and see if there are really any great deals available and will let you know what I find! 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are you a Coupon Clipper?

Do you scour the Sunday newspapers for those shiny inserts that yield valuable savings? (i.e., COUPONS!)?  I do, but never really thought how much of a "savings" you could really get at the grocery store each week. 
As I searched for more information on this "extreme couponing" I stumbled upon this AMAZING website called, The Krazy Coupon Lady!!  WOW.. There is so much information on here, and little did I know that there is a science to couponing?  I thought all you did was clip a few coupons and dash off to the store and hope that you find the items that the coupons will work, and actually SAVE money.  Although, skeptical, I was wondering how many coupons I'd be able to use without spending tons of money on products that I really don't need, JUST to get the 50 cents off?  That didn't make sense.

Take a few minutes and browse this site.  It's got a TON of really cool ideas, tips, suggestions, resources, etc.  The only drawback I saw to all this extreme couponing was the fact that when you click on many of these sites, they want you to "register" before they will actually let you print off the coupon.  I don't know about you, but my email inbox already gets hit with plenty of "spam" or "junk email"; so I'm not sure I can go to the extremes that extreme couponing requires!?  We'll see!!
Happy Couponing!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where'd the Season Go?

Am I the only one who thinks "where did Christmas go this year?"  I swear it seems like we didn't even have a holiday this year.  I know partly it's because we didn't have snow.  Maybe its because as we get older, time seems to slip by faster than when we were young.  Whatever the reason, it makes me sad that I feel as though we zipped right past the holiday season, and are smack dab in the middle of the "BLAH" season.

As I sit here this morning writing this post, it appears to be attempting to snow.  Well thanks for the effort mother nature, but its TOO LATE!!  Where were you on Christmas Eve?  Christmas Day?  The 12 Days of Christmas?? Sad to say, but I believe our seasons are shifting.  We don't seem to have seasons anymore.  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.  I remember those growing up.  Now it seems like all we have is Summer and Winter.  I know I should be grateful that we don't have a mountain of snow outside our front door.  Oh well, enough of this.  BRING ON SPRING!!! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Technology Ease

With all things "techy" nowadays, its no wonder we can get confused.  I know that you can buy just about ANYTHING online these days!  Why that is the way I did most of my holiday shopping this year.  I really enjoy the ability to be able to order something from the comfort of my home computer and have it delivered directly to my door.  I didn't have to go out in inclement weather, drive through holiday traffic jams, circle the parking lot endlessly for a parking space that wasn't a mile away from the mall, not to mention I did NOT have to deal with holiday crowds!!!!
I have to say it, (because we all do) how did we ever get along before the age of smart phones, computers, ipads, tablets, etc.  Most all of the smartphones on the market today are very comparable to having tiny computers in your pocket, wallets, and handbags!  Why you can locate a restaurant, gas station, get directions, find a movie, even locate and meet up with your friends, right at your fingertips!
The Kindle Fire is truly amazing!  But in the same instance, it can be very overwhelming and somewhat intimidating to those who have not yet embraced technology and all its wonder!!
While there is much about this new era I understand, there is much more more I don't!  It gives me a chance to delve into the endless amount of resources available to get a better grasp on what is out there!  Don't be afraid to take that step.  If you don't embrace technology, you will surely be left behind!
Check out this cool video for the Kindle Fire (click on the title below photo)!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

More on Social Media

I know I just posted about social media, BUT, I found a great article today including this awesome infographic about how social media has changed our lives and how it can be beneficial to your business.  I've attached the link here, just click on the Social Media Cheat Sheet.  It describes in visual which sites can benefit you and who your target audience is in each of them.  I have found that I have four social media sites that I post to regularly!  Now, that means you MUST be consistent when posting, and do it EVERY day or at least every week.  You can't sign up for these sites (which are FREE by the way) and create a profile and then do nothing.  It doesn't work that way.  It is much like traditional networking, except you are not doing it face-to-face, you are interacting with people "virtually".  The really GREAT thing about this is that it's not just for networking.  I have actually reconnected with people I went to HS with over 30 years ago!  It is so great to reconnect with these people over the years and see how they've changed and what they've done with their lives since high school.  This can also be a great tool in broadening your networking.  You can meet up with people all over the world!!!
My favorite sites are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.  And each site offers me a group of people that I connect with either through business or family or friend connections.
Its a fabulous way to stay connected with personal friends and business contacts and potential clients as well!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different....

How many of you remember that popular phrase used in the Monty Python's sketches?  Well, my sudden "shift" in topics comes from the fact that I'm sitting at my home office, looking out my window at SNOW.  Nowhere in the forecast today did they predict or forecast SNOW!?!?!?!  Our crack weather team at work once again.

That being said, I'm not sure with the weather the way it's been here in the Midwest over the past several months if anyone can predict what our weather will do next!?!
So, I'll just sit back and enjoy the view from my cozy, warm office!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Power of Networking

Do you have a business card?  Maybe a better question is, do you have a stack of business cards from networking events that you've got stashed away in a drawer somewhere.

I've read recently that business cards may be losing their appeal.  With the emergence of social media and all things "techy", maybe a traditional business card is no longer an essential or effective way to network.  I thought the same way, until I saw this recent article on many unique business card designs.  Isn't the purpose of sending out or handing out business cards is for the potential client/customer to call you when they have a need for your service or product?  If that's the result you are trying to achieve, then I'd highly suggest you spend a bit more and hand out business cards that will have your potential clients holding on to your card, maybe even keeping it with them in their wallets. 

Check out the link I've included in this post.Unique Business Card Designs  There are several really catchy unique designs of business cards that you can hand out at networking events.

Bottom line is, if you are going to spend lots of cash on business cards, I'd make sure that they are going to be held onto after you've given them out, not merely stashed away in a drawer, stuffed in a file, or worse, dropped in the trash!!

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I have been working with Tina for just over a year and a half. I have contracted with her for a broad range of product types and she has never let me down. Her work is accurate and her turn around times are excellent. She is a great virtual assistant who really knows her stuff!" - Jenifer DeLaGarza - owner of Administrative Support Group.