Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finding More Clients

I was searching online this evening for articles pertaining to how Virtual Assistants go about finding more clients.  I've just recently been looking for more creative ways to build my client base.  I did the traditional marketing by direct mail, email campaigns, by social networking, and the face-to-face meetings.  I still feel as though I need to do more.  As I was browsing through the articles, I came across one that really caught my eye.  I should say that I actually looked for this author's post, since she had mentioned this way of finding new clients in an earlier email to me.

She explained that just "telling" clients what we offer, is really not enough. In addition to telling our clients what services we offer, we need to give actual examples of "HOW" we can ease the client's burden of administrative tasks.  Since we are "virtual" and most times don't even meet face-to-face; its important that we show "value" and benefit to the client.

How many of you remember "SHOW AND TELL" when you were in grade school?  I always looked forward to Friday's because those were "SHOW AND TELL" days!  It was such much fun picking a special "toy" or item that you could take to school, and then you were to present it in front of the class explaining not only "WHAT" your favorite item was, but why it was your favorite and that usually entailed explaining and/or showing how the item worked.

Having a virtual business is somewhat like that as well.  Instead of just saying "I can help with your office tasks that are bogging you down"; it might be more beneficial to say "would you like to send out weekly emails to your A+clients but don't have the time, or have no clue how to put one together?"  

The article is entitled, "Why a Virtual Professional Must Approach Marketing Differently" - by T.Marie Hilton.
She has several great articles as well as offering workshops and webinars on building your Virtual Assistant Business!  Her Virtual Assistant Survival School website is full of great info!!


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“Tina is a real "go to" person: resourceful, conscientious, and knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with.”
Kathleen Melady Gick Kathleen Melady Gick, Attorney & Counselor at Law LLC at Self

I have been working with Tina for just over a year and a half. I have contracted with her for a broad range of product types and she has never let me down. Her work is accurate and her turn around times are excellent. She is a great virtual assistant who really knows her stuff!" - Jenifer DeLaGarza - owner of Administrative Support Group.