Friday, March 23, 2012

Follow Your Passion

Life is short!  Ever heard anyone say that?  Sure you have.  I wish that I had followed my "passion" when I was younger.  I would have been a storm chaser!  I've always been fascinated with storms, and lightning and thunder; but over the past few years, I've really gotten into taking photos of storm clouds.  Whenever there is a "storm warning" posted on television; I'm running for the front door with my cell phone in hand ready to snap up any cool cloud formation photos!  It's really quite exhilarating!
My daughter seems to have inherited my passion for weather as well!  I love these photos she takes!  She is an awesome photographer anyway; but her weather photos are so cool!  She has actually taken her passion for photography into a different direction.  She wants to be a crime scene photographer!  How cool is that.!?!

Anyway, just a thought..... if you are passionate about something, ACT on it!!  Life is short, life it to the fullest, take what you love and build on it!  Make it a career!!

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