Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where'd the Season Go?

Am I the only one who thinks "where did Christmas go this year?"  I swear it seems like we didn't even have a holiday this year.  I know partly it's because we didn't have snow.  Maybe its because as we get older, time seems to slip by faster than when we were young.  Whatever the reason, it makes me sad that I feel as though we zipped right past the holiday season, and are smack dab in the middle of the "BLAH" season.

As I sit here this morning writing this post, it appears to be attempting to snow.  Well thanks for the effort mother nature, but its TOO LATE!!  Where were you on Christmas Eve?  Christmas Day?  The 12 Days of Christmas?? Sad to say, but I believe our seasons are shifting.  We don't seem to have seasons anymore.  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.  I remember those growing up.  Now it seems like all we have is Summer and Winter.  I know I should be grateful that we don't have a mountain of snow outside our front door.  Oh well, enough of this.  BRING ON SPRING!!! :)

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