Thursday, January 26, 2012

More on Social Media

I know I just posted about social media, BUT, I found a great article today including this awesome infographic about how social media has changed our lives and how it can be beneficial to your business.  I've attached the link here, just click on the Social Media Cheat Sheet.  It describes in visual which sites can benefit you and who your target audience is in each of them.  I have found that I have four social media sites that I post to regularly!  Now, that means you MUST be consistent when posting, and do it EVERY day or at least every week.  You can't sign up for these sites (which are FREE by the way) and create a profile and then do nothing.  It doesn't work that way.  It is much like traditional networking, except you are not doing it face-to-face, you are interacting with people "virtually".  The really GREAT thing about this is that it's not just for networking.  I have actually reconnected with people I went to HS with over 30 years ago!  It is so great to reconnect with these people over the years and see how they've changed and what they've done with their lives since high school.  This can also be a great tool in broadening your networking.  You can meet up with people all over the world!!!
My favorite sites are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.  And each site offers me a group of people that I connect with either through business or family or friend connections.
Its a fabulous way to stay connected with personal friends and business contacts and potential clients as well!

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