Friday, February 3, 2012

SuperBowl 2012 - Social Media Mania!!!

Well, I live in Indiana, and I am sorry to say, this weekend, I live in Indiana!?  WHY you say?  Well for those few of you who don't know, the NFL SuperBowl Championship game is being played in Indianapolis this Sunday.  OMG!  I cannot tell you how much hoopla has been going on around here for the past week or so.  Now I'm a football fan, but I will be so happy when this weekend is OVER!!! 

And in keeping with my "love of technology" theme; it appears that this year's Super Bowl is going Social Media!!!  This year it seems they've stepped up the social media coverage of all that's SuperBowl 2012!!  Check out this link Indianapolis SuperBowl 2012 Highlights.  It has all the up to the minute goings on of what is happening, who's where, and the official "countdown" to the big game!!!  And it would not be complete without smartphone apps to use to follow all the action from your favorite mobile device!!  Here's a link to the Top 5 Free Apps for following Super Bowl 2012

Now you will have no excuse to miss ANY of the action on Sunday!!  So are you "Ready for some Football!!"

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