Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More about Deals!

Well, right on the heels of my post yesterday about "extreme couponing", comes another way to SAVE money!!  We all want that, right?  Well, as I was working out this morning at my local CURVES; the ladies were chatting about this thing called "Deal Chicken".  Have you ever heard of this?  I must admit that every Sunday while browsing the funny papers, there was this full page ad for "Deal Chicken" with this bright yellow chick on the back cover of the funnies.  I will admit, I never gave it a second thought; until today!  The ladies were talking about these fantastic deals they were getting from massages to flowers to dog grooming.  Well I'm all for a good deal; so I went online and actually there are several "DealChicken" sites for several states.  It appears to be locally oriented, meaning that you will need to sign up if there is a DealChicken in your area.  Again, you will need to give them your email address, so be informed that they will be sending you emails with different offers that are available at the present time in your area. 

So, I will again check this site out, and see if there are really any great deals available and will let you know what I find! 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are you a Coupon Clipper?

Do you scour the Sunday newspapers for those shiny inserts that yield valuable savings? (i.e., COUPONS!)?  I do, but never really thought how much of a "savings" you could really get at the grocery store each week. 
As I searched for more information on this "extreme couponing" I stumbled upon this AMAZING website called, The Krazy Coupon Lady!!  WOW.. There is so much information on here, and little did I know that there is a science to couponing?  I thought all you did was clip a few coupons and dash off to the store and hope that you find the items that the coupons will work, and actually SAVE money.  Although, skeptical, I was wondering how many coupons I'd be able to use without spending tons of money on products that I really don't need, JUST to get the 50 cents off?  That didn't make sense.

Take a few minutes and browse this site.  It's got a TON of really cool ideas, tips, suggestions, resources, etc.  The only drawback I saw to all this extreme couponing was the fact that when you click on many of these sites, they want you to "register" before they will actually let you print off the coupon.  I don't know about you, but my email inbox already gets hit with plenty of "spam" or "junk email"; so I'm not sure I can go to the extremes that extreme couponing requires!?  We'll see!!
Happy Couponing!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where'd the Season Go?

Am I the only one who thinks "where did Christmas go this year?"  I swear it seems like we didn't even have a holiday this year.  I know partly it's because we didn't have snow.  Maybe its because as we get older, time seems to slip by faster than when we were young.  Whatever the reason, it makes me sad that I feel as though we zipped right past the holiday season, and are smack dab in the middle of the "BLAH" season.

As I sit here this morning writing this post, it appears to be attempting to snow.  Well thanks for the effort mother nature, but its TOO LATE!!  Where were you on Christmas Eve?  Christmas Day?  The 12 Days of Christmas?? Sad to say, but I believe our seasons are shifting.  We don't seem to have seasons anymore.  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.  I remember those growing up.  Now it seems like all we have is Summer and Winter.  I know I should be grateful that we don't have a mountain of snow outside our front door.  Oh well, enough of this.  BRING ON SPRING!!! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Technology Ease

With all things "techy" nowadays, its no wonder we can get confused.  I know that you can buy just about ANYTHING online these days!  Why that is the way I did most of my holiday shopping this year.  I really enjoy the ability to be able to order something from the comfort of my home computer and have it delivered directly to my door.  I didn't have to go out in inclement weather, drive through holiday traffic jams, circle the parking lot endlessly for a parking space that wasn't a mile away from the mall, not to mention I did NOT have to deal with holiday crowds!!!!
I have to say it, (because we all do) how did we ever get along before the age of smart phones, computers, ipads, tablets, etc.  Most all of the smartphones on the market today are very comparable to having tiny computers in your pocket, wallets, and handbags!  Why you can locate a restaurant, gas station, get directions, find a movie, even locate and meet up with your friends, right at your fingertips!
The Kindle Fire
Whew.....it is truly amazing!  But in the same instance, it can be very overwhelming and somewhat intimidating to those who have not yet embraced technology and all its wonder!!
While there is much about this new era I understand, there is much more more I don't!  It gives me a chance to delve into the endless amount of resources available to get a better grasp on what is out there!  Don't be afraid to take that step.  If you don't embrace technology, you will surely be left behind!
Check out this cool video for the Kindle Fire (click on the title below photo)!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

More on Social Media

I know I just posted about social media, BUT, I found a great article today including this awesome infographic about how social media has changed our lives and how it can be beneficial to your business.  I've attached the link here, just click on the Social Media Cheat Sheet.  It describes in visual which sites can benefit you and who your target audience is in each of them.  I have found that I have four social media sites that I post to regularly!  Now, that means you MUST be consistent when posting, and do it EVERY day or at least every week.  You can't sign up for these sites (which are FREE by the way) and create a profile and then do nothing.  It doesn't work that way.  It is much like traditional networking, except you are not doing it face-to-face, you are interacting with people "virtually".  The really GREAT thing about this is that it's not just for networking.  I have actually reconnected with people I went to HS with over 30 years ago!  It is so great to reconnect with these people over the years and see how they've changed and what they've done with their lives since high school.  This can also be a great tool in broadening your networking.  You can meet up with people all over the world!!!
My favorite sites are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.  And each site offers me a group of people that I connect with either through business or family or friend connections.
Its a fabulous way to stay connected with personal friends and business contacts and potential clients as well!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different....

How many of you remember that popular phrase used in the Monty Python's sketches?  Well, my sudden "shift" in topics comes from the fact that I'm sitting at my home office, looking out my window at SNOW.  Nowhere in the forecast today did they predict or forecast SNOW!?!?!?!  Our crack weather team at work once again.

That being said, I'm not sure with the weather the way it's been here in the Midwest over the past several months if anyone can predict what our weather will do next!?!
So, I'll just sit back and enjoy the view from my cozy, warm office!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Power of Networking

Do you have a business card?  Maybe a better question is, do you have a stack of business cards from networking events that you've got stashed away in a drawer somewhere.

I've read recently that business cards may be losing their appeal.  With the emergence of social media and all things "techy", maybe a traditional business card is no longer an essential or effective way to network.  I thought the same way, until I saw this recent article on many unique business card designs.  Isn't the purpose of sending out or handing out business cards is for the potential client/customer to call you when they have a need for your service or product?  If that's the result you are trying to achieve, then I'd highly suggest you spend a bit more and hand out business cards that will have your potential clients holding on to your card, maybe even keeping it with them in their wallets. 

Check out the link I've included in this post.Unique Business Card Designs  There are several really catchy unique designs of business cards that you can hand out at networking events.

Bottom line is, if you are going to spend lots of cash on business cards, I'd make sure that they are going to be held onto after you've given them out, not merely stashed away in a drawer, stuffed in a file, or worse, dropped in the trash!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Social Media Junkie

 How many of you are Social Media junkies?  Meaning, you can't go 2 minutes without checking your Facebook page, or seeing if anyone has sent any "tweets" or "checked-in" at your favorite places through FourSquare?  If you are like the multitude of people who are hooked on social media, then you know what I mean!!

I got into the social media blitz over a year ago when I started my own business.  It is a great way to network, meet people who share common interests, and perhaps even find a job, if you are looking for one!  I've been very successful at building great friendships and relationships through my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

If you've not jumped on the social media bandwagon yet, I say, what's holding you back!?!?!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Loving this Blog Thing!

Well, I've spent the last several hours "tweaking" my eBlogger blog page.  It is meant to be more of an online journal for expressing my love of all things "techy".  I have to admit, I've been totally consumed by all these techy gadgets.  Yes, I've got an iPhone, an iPad, a desktop computer, laptop computer, a netbook.  Need I say more!!!  A year ago I stumbled upon a few websites for at home business through social media, and I decided to take the plunge.  That is when I started my online "virtual assistant" business.  I set up a website through Wordpress and I haven't stopped blogging since!
Check out my website - Tina's Virtual Office - where I've set up my web presence and designed and did the layout for my page.  I will admit that I haven't been as diligent about keeping up with regular postings as I did when I first started; but when I do come back to the site, it gets my creative thoughts flowing (which is WHY I've spent the last several hours tweaking my personal blog!)  It is just so much fun!!

New Year; New Outlook!

Well, its a new year.  I am hoping it is a BETTER year for everyone I know.  My family could sure use some good luck and fortune!  But then again, couldn't we all! :)

That being said, beside my Virtual Assistant Business, I've decided to get back into Real Estate.  I'm a bit apprehensive about this, as I'm just not sure my heart is in it.  I love helping people and I'm am TOTALLY a people person; I'm just not sure that this is what I am truly meant to do.  "SIGH" but for now, I'll do what is needed to keep me active and keep me interacting with people!

I did start volunteering at my grandson's school.  I go in two days a week and help out in his classroom.  I absolutely LOVE IT!  I get to help the kids, and its such fun getting to know my grandson's classmates, and I love the feeling that they really enjoy me helping them.  It is such a rewarding feeling.

If you have the opportunity and can volunteer, I'd HIGHLY recommend it!

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“Tina is a real "go to" person: resourceful, conscientious, and knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with.”
Kathleen Melady Gick Kathleen Melady Gick, Attorney & Counselor at Law LLC at Self

I have been working with Tina for just over a year and a half. I have contracted with her for a broad range of product types and she has never let me down. Her work is accurate and her turn around times are excellent. She is a great virtual assistant who really knows her stuff!" - Jenifer DeLaGarza - owner of Administrative Support Group.