Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Websites Can Be Puzzling

Over the past few days, I've been feverishly working on my new website, that goes along with the NEW name for my business - SOS-VirtualAssist - I am really enjoying the workings of putting together a web page.  I didn't realize just how much fun it could be.  That being said, it is NOT an easy thing to do.  It's sort of like putting together a puzzle.  I've always loved puzzles.  I remember when I was little, that my grandmother ALWAYS had a puzzle on her card table in her dining room.  Whenever my sister and I would come over to visit, I'd have to spend some time with her trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.  It was always so much fun and when it was completed, I loved seeing the finished product!

I am finding that building a great web page is pretty much like putting together one of those puzzles my grandmother used to have!! But, you must be patient, and not try and just throw together anything.  Much like the pieces of a puzzle, it takes time and care to study the pieces to make sure they fit just perfect!  Building a website is sort of like that as well.  You can't be expected to just throw together an AWESOME web page in a few minutes!! No way!! There is a bit of a learning curve, and if you aren't tech savvy or a computer geek of sorts, its going to take a bit longer to get the hang of it.  Although, once you do, if you don't get discouraged, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well it works!  If you click on the link above, it will take you to my "test" site that I've been working on over the past several days.  Now mind you, it IS a WORK IN PROGRESS!!!  I am taking my time and tweaking the site and the layout and the design. Every day I am finding more and more out about the workings behind the actual web page that viewers see!  It can be frustrating; but I am DETERMINED to learn the inner workings of how to build a successful web page, so others can view the "finished product" that resembles those wonderful puzzles from my childhood! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Using your Smartphone as your Credit Card?

So, there is just one more thing your smartphone can do now!!!  Act as money!?!?!  With this handy little gadget; you can turn your iPhone or Android phone into a credit card swiper?

Ehhhh, I'm not sure I'm ready to make that leap yet!!
What do you think?
Good or bad idea?  IntuitGoPayment iPhone Card Reader and App - click on the link for the article!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Follow Your Passion

Life is short!  Ever heard anyone say that?  Sure you have.  I wish that I had followed my "passion" when I was younger.  I would have been a storm chaser!  I've always been fascinated with storms, and lightning and thunder; but over the past few years, I've really gotten into taking photos of storm clouds.  Whenever there is a "storm warning" posted on television; I'm running for the front door with my cell phone in hand ready to snap up any cool cloud formation photos!  It's really quite exhilarating!
My daughter seems to have inherited my passion for weather as well!  I love these photos she takes!  She is an awesome photographer anyway; but her weather photos are so cool!  She has actually taken her passion for photography into a different direction.  She wants to be a crime scene photographer!  How cool is that.!?!

Anyway, just a thought..... if you are passionate about something, ACT on it!!  Life is short, life it to the fullest, take what you love and build on it!  Make it a career!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's In a Name?

What 's In a Name?  Possibly everything! I've had my own business now for a little over a year, and this seems like the right time for a name change. I've networked with many small business professionals, as well as other VA professionals over the past year and discovered that I want to expand my business to reach a broader range of clients.  In order to do that, I felt that a name change would be appropriate to let people know that I'm truly serious about this business! I want business owners to know that I am expanding my areas of skills and expertise to include website and web maintenance and building that go along with the clerical, marketing, customer service, desktop publishing and social media skills.  I realize that the internet is by far the way most clients reach their customer target market, and a good website presence is crucial to accomplish this.  After careful consideration I want to promote my business to those clients who feel like when they are drowning in paperwork; I'm here to offer them the lifeline they need!  SOS-Virtual Assist is that service!!  Same person, expanded skills, same excellent quality of work and customer service!  Wish Me Luck!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finding More Clients

I was searching online this evening for articles pertaining to how Virtual Assistants go about finding more clients.  I've just recently been looking for more creative ways to build my client base.  I did the traditional marketing by direct mail, email campaigns, by social networking, and the face-to-face meetings.  I still feel as though I need to do more.  As I was browsing through the articles, I came across one that really caught my eye.  I should say that I actually looked for this author's post, since she had mentioned this way of finding new clients in an earlier email to me.

She explained that just "telling" clients what we offer, is really not enough. In addition to telling our clients what services we offer, we need to give actual examples of "HOW" we can ease the client's burden of administrative tasks.  Since we are "virtual" and most times don't even meet face-to-face; its important that we show "value" and benefit to the client.

How many of you remember "SHOW AND TELL" when you were in grade school?  I always looked forward to Friday's because those were "SHOW AND TELL" days!  It was such much fun picking a special "toy" or item that you could take to school, and then you were to present it in front of the class explaining not only "WHAT" your favorite item was, but why it was your favorite and that usually entailed explaining and/or showing how the item worked.

Having a virtual business is somewhat like that as well.  Instead of just saying "I can help with your office tasks that are bogging you down"; it might be more beneficial to say "would you like to send out weekly emails to your A+clients but don't have the time, or have no clue how to put one together?"  

The article is entitled, "Why a Virtual Professional Must Approach Marketing Differently" - by T.Marie Hilton.
She has several great articles as well as offering workshops and webinars on building your Virtual Assistant Business!  Her Virtual Assistant Survival School website is full of great info!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You A Wordpress Wizard

If you are one of the many millions of "bloggers" on the web today, I'm sure you've come across the Wordpress platform for blogging.  And, if you did some digging you quickly realized that not only could you create a "blog" BUT you could actually take that blog and turn it into a very functional WEBSITE!!!

A little over a year ago, I started my own business as a Virtual Office Assistant.  The first thing that other self-employed business owners will recommend is that you have a "web presence".  So, I did a bit more research and came across the Wordpress site.  There are two versions of Wordpress.  The "FREE" version, or and for those who wish to expand their web presence by having another provider "host" your site, or get it out there on the cyberspace superhighway!!  That latter, also allows the user to have more flexibility and options in turning your blog page into a full fledged website.  I decided to start with the Wordpress free site to see how difficult it would be to put a site together.  I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was to put together a simple blog site.  Wordpress offers tons of pre-made templates that you can use, and it will allow for minimal customization.  Well, being the perfectionist that I am, I quickly became dissatisfied with the free site, and wanted to do more.  I decided to delve into the more advanced site, and from there things exploded!  I was amazed at all the options available and ways you could turn your blog into an actual, functioning, SEO website!!  Well, as quickly as I became dissatisfied with the free version of Wordpress, I became equally DISCOURAGED and FRUSTRATED with the more advanced, more technical version.  I really did not have the tools (by way of training) to make a really great website.  So, I called upon another VA I had met while networking through social media.  She is truly a WORDPRESS WIZARD!!!  ANYONE who is thinking of designing their own website NEEDS to look her up.  She has the knowledge, tools, and training available you will need to help get your website up and running, hosted, and customized for your own personal business needs. 

Her name, T.Marie Hilton, owner and guru of Clerical Advantage and Girly Girl Geek.  She has been my lifesaver a number of times.  There are so many things I want to learn from her and can't wait for her next "bootcamp" so that I can tap into more of her great resources.   I am hoping that I can one day also be a "WORDPRESS WIZARD"!!  But for now I will be content to be the apprentice!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Cool Stuff for your iPhone/iPad!

So, now that I've gotten the iPhone and iPad and armed myself with all the latest apps, games and music, what could be left?  Well plenty!!  Now let's say you want to be able to take a note or two on your tech device.  Well, you can't very well use a standard writing utensil like a pen or pencil, and if you want to "doodle" you certainly can't do that with a keypad.  What you need is a "stylus"!  A really cool pen-like instrument that has a "cushy" bottom end that you can use to write on your iPhone or iPad!  Pretty neat!!!

But along with getting a stylus, you will need to have a safety screen covering your device to help reduce the smudges and fingerprints that come with continued use!

I found that there is a removable screen protector that works with these tech devices.  It's a bit "pricey" but the durability makes the cost feasible!
These come in black and white and are called iVisor.  These screen protector/covers are removable, and re-usable, unlike the sticky ones that adhere to the devices, and can sometimes bubble up and pull up at the corners!  Be sure to check out these cool products!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Debut of the Latest iPad

Photo courtesy of Mashable Tech
If you are a tech "geek" like me, I'm sure you were anxiously awaiting the news about the latest Apple iPad release that was presented earlier today at the Apple headquarters!

Over the past week, I have been reading various posts and blogs about speculation on what would be included in the newest Apple product!  However, when the news broke today, I must say I was a bit disappointed.

It was speculated that they were going to introduce the latest Apple product as the "iPad3" or the "iPadHD"; instead it was just the "New iPad", or iPad New, as the following article names it!! One of the many blog sites I follow, Mashable, posted this article - Why The New iPad Did Not blow My Mind..... I think they summed it up nicely!

So the good news is, that I won't have to feel the "urge" to rush right out and get the latest and greatest Apple gadget.  Only downside (for me at least) is that I own the iPhone 4 and the iPad2; neither of which have the popular "Siri".  But, really, I'm not sure I'd utilize Siri the way it was marketed.  So, for me anyway, I'll wait until the next generation iPhone (iPhone 5?) to come out and see what else Apple can amaze us with!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Have you tried Pinterest?


 Today's latest craze - Pinterest!  Ever heard of this site?  Well apparently many people have, as it is sweeping the internet with a frenzy!!  I actually just picked up this article on how people are using this newest social media tool!! - Social network Pinterest draws interest online | The Republic.

Well, whatever the reason, it's obvious that this is the latest and greatest social media app going!  I guess the only catch here is that you have to be "invited" in order to start "pinning" your photos, and other items of interest that you can then share on Facebook and Twitter!!

I have requested an invite to this site; but have yet to get accepted.  :(  I'm guessing there is a LONG waiting list!!  I'll keep you posted!  And hopefully, soon, you will see my pins of interest on my blog!!

Happy pinning out there to you lucky ones who've already caught the craze!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Turn your iPad into a PC!!

Wow, my love of technology just grows DAILY!!  The latest little nifty "tech gadget" that I've stumbled upon is called ONLIVE DESKTOP!  WOW, what can I say, this is the most awesome app I've seen for my iPad so far!!!

This totally cool app allows you to turn your iPad into a computer; by being able to open and revise MS Office apps; like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint!!

If you go to the App Store; you can download this for FREE!  There is a paid version that allows you to also watch "FLASH" video on your iPad! 

There is a great article from the NY Times that tells more about this really cool little app!  "OnLive Desktop Plus Puts Windows 7 on your iPad", by David Pogue.  Check it out!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Putting My Skills To Work

Not sure if anyone knew (or actually is interested) that besides my Love of Technology; I'm also engaged in my own business utilizing all these many gadgets and talents!  I started my own business a little over a year ago.  I have been "self-employed" in the direct sales industry for several years.  Prior to that I spent about 20 years in the clerical administrative support field, in various job positions ranging from insurance, to transportation, to corporate law, to finance, to public transportation, as well as several years in the retail industry.  With all this knowledge, skill and training, I decided to put my "pre-retirement" years to good use.  What better way than to jump on the entrepreneurial band wagon!!  I had searched the internet for other types of "home based" businesses and came upon a "virtual assistant forum" site.  I spent literally hours on this site looking at the message boards and suddenly it came to me, that with all the administrative, marketing and customer service skills and training I had acquired, why not start my own Virtual Assistant business!!

Introducing - My Virtual Office!!

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VA Client Testimonials

“Tina is a real "go to" person: resourceful, conscientious, and knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with.”
Kathleen Melady Gick Kathleen Melady Gick, Attorney & Counselor at Law LLC at Self

I have been working with Tina for just over a year and a half. I have contracted with her for a broad range of product types and she has never let me down. Her work is accurate and her turn around times are excellent. She is a great virtual assistant who really knows her stuff!" - Jenifer DeLaGarza - owner of Administrative Support Group.