Monday, September 16, 2013

Check your Work!

Do you blog?  Do you have a website?  Do you post regularly to sites like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter etc?  If you are posting written content, may I kindly suggest that you PROOF your work before posting!  All too often, I read articles or posts that have misspelled words.  This is a REAL pet peeve of mine!  I mean, if you are in a hurry to post on your blog just to make sure you have content available, it just might be time to turn that task over to someone else.  Clearly you are too busy.  If you are posting articles hoping to attract clients, please take a few extra minutes to proof your work BEFORE you upload that post.  For example, if I were a client looking for a product or a service, and upon reading your article or post I noticed several grammatical mistakes, I'd really think twice before using your services.  Maybe I'm too critical, but I take my business seriously.  Now I'm not saying that you don't, I'm merely suggesting that this might be an area that you want to outsource.  If nothing else, BEFORE you upload content, why not have an extra set of eyes proofread your work.  Sometimes you can look right at a sentence and it looks completely fine, and someone else reads it and immediately finds the mistake.  I know, it's happened to me!!  Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!  

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