Sunday, August 14, 2011

Worth a Read!

I must say, I was a bit hesitant when I started reading this book.  First off, my eyesight isn't what it used to be, and thus makes reading a bit of a chore.  I can't read paperbacks anymore because the print is too small, even with glasses.  I LOVE hardback books, but many novels don't come in hardback, and if they do, are quite a bit more expensive.  A friend of mine from school recommended I read The Hunger Games, a sort of futuristic novel which is part of a trilogy.  Umm, well its been awhile since I've read any books (mostly a Stephen King fanatic); but thought I'd give it a try.  My friend mentioned that it was an "easy read", and I must say she was correct!  However, I didn't want to purchase a hardback book, mostly because if you order one from Amazon it takes 10-14 days to get it in the mail, and my only other option was to drive clear across town and buy one at our local Barnes and Noble.  What to do? 

I remembered that after getting my iPhone I downloaded as many FREE apps that I could, one of which was a Kindle.  I went to Amazon and noticed that I could actually purchase the eBook from Amazon for a really reasonable price and it would download immediately and thus I could start reading right away.  The problem was, my iPhone is much smaller than any paperback.  How am I supposed to read on an iPhone when I can't see a paperback?  I thought it was hopeless, when I noticed on Amazon that I could download the Kindle reader for my PC!!!  For FREE!  WOW. I downloaded it, purchased the book, and started reading right away.  The print is as large as I want to make it, I can customize whether its light on dark, or dark on light, AND it syncs between applications!!! How freakin'cool is this! Another awesome feature of a Kindle reader is that I can read on my PC; and if I'm out and about, I can pick up right where I left off from my iPhone!!!  Isn't technology G R E A T!

Needless to say, the book was FABULOUS!!!  It kept my interest and every chapter left me wanting to read more.  It was hard to step away from it!  I finished the book in  just a few days, and I'm ready to read my next novel, The Help!!!  Can't wait!

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